My Name is Tristan Holt Barber... and this is my first commercial for Balfour Beatty Construction
I would like your attention please....
it is VERY - VERY important to be safe while sucking your thumb...

Hey you - over there, listen up!
See, this is how you do it... you avoid the TEETH... strictly stick with lips...

and of course, wear your hardhat!
see how i have it connected under here?
and make sure you not only hydrate (you can see, I had milk) but you need to have carbohydrates too!
Zero Harm... safety first people...

Man, that was a hard evenings work.
Hey over there! Like THIS... got it?
Now don't forget what I taught ya!

That is just the cutest thing ever...How the heck do you think of these things, Julie?....Tristan you are soooo adorable..."Gwamma" loves you