I remember where I was the moment it happened... I was working. I was learning to seal a stone shower - working for Stuart Dean....and I remember my heart sank for my "NY family" - that's my home.... such a horrible accident in my home state.
Until I heard a few minutes later that another plane hit a second tower. I knew this was no longer an accident.... someone was DOING this on purpose. WHO would do this? HOW could this happen? This is America? I mean - our pilots just decided to fly into the World Trade Center?

Then the Pentagon.... all I could think of was I was when I lived in Virginia and worked close to DC - I would drive the "slugs" in to the Pentagon...EVERY morning and pick "slugs" up EVERY day so I could drive in the HOV lane. Oddly, this too felt like they hit home.

Then the news of the 4th plane that a bunch of VERY brave people help take down... that could have potentially taken out the White House.....UNBELIEVABLE. I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed as the Execs from Orbitz sat in my house and we watched every plane in the sky get grounded. For the first time in history... there was not a plane in the sky. It. Was. EERIE.
Then, we head to war. Osama Bin Laden is dead.... but I don't feel better. I'm glad that he is no longer tormenting this world... but it makes my heart hurt to see the people that celebrated that we lost 2,977 people. How can ANYONE celebrate that? What is wrong with these people?
As Holt reminded me yesterday... some just believe in their cause with 1,000% of who they are. They are passionate... they believe... they are raised to hate... and I just don't get it.
I don't want that for my son. I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus and His saving grace. I believe there is ONE way to heaven. I want that for my son but I never, EVER want to be judgemental, or look down on others or harsh or rude to those that have different beliefs or none at all. I just want him to be kind, loving, compassionate and giving. I want him to be fully human, make mistakes (tiny ones please), learn, pay consequences (tiny ones please).... and be tolerant of all things EXCEPT hatred. I pray that he hates the sin but not the sinner... even a terrorist. I hate what they stand for but feel sorry for them.
Fast forward.... TEN YEARS....
9/11/2011- Memorial in NY.... it's beautiful and was awesome (and sad) so see the families see it, touch it for the first time. The wall of water that goes 24/7... and then the water that goes into the 20' whole (showing absence)... beautiful... heartbreaking... and thoughtful. I loved it.

I'm proud to say that Balfour Beatty (mommy's company) built the Pentagon Memorial and it is beautiful.

I believe this week the place in PA has been made into a National Cemetery and the remains of those that crashed there will be released or buried... not sure - just what I think I remember on the news.
Anyway, I post this because it MATTERS that Tristan sees this and he too remembers even though he wasn't born yet. I think about my Mom telling me where she was when Kennedy was shot... I remember where I was when I heard about Princess Diana...even where I was when Heath Ledger died... THIS is like those memories... only times 2,977... so many lives - so much destruction.
Little did those terrorists know... when you mess with one... you get all of us - we united and we became a stronger country because of it!

Best said here:
"Where were you when the world stopped turning"
Tristan next year... I will read you this beautiful gift that Grandma sent you...
Amazing song... Never. Ever. FORGET.
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