At about 1:30 I could hear him in there yelling "Ohhhhh Toooodles!" and for those of you that watch The Mickey Mouse Club House - you know how funny that is. Toodles is Mickey's "helper" that gets him out of a tough situation. So I went back in and told him it was time for "Night Night" and he crawled in his bed.
I went back in at 2:30pm and he was in the corner of his room, quitely playing with all of his stuffed animals. He was talking away, playing with blocks and balls and reading stories to ..well, I don't know who....
At 3pm I called Holt... "Should I let him get up, we obviously can't go to Mattie's birthday party" because I KNOW he will melt at some point... Holt and I agree, 3:30pm he could get up. Maybe he was done with naps!
3:25 I went in... he was wide awake...panting like a puppy and trying to lick my arm. Ok, that's new... and strange... but sooo funny so I belly laughed which of course made him belly laugh.
We came into the living room, I put on The Mickey Mouse Club House... he wanted chips. Baked Cheetos it is - check! He wanted juice... apple juice he received - Check! Changed his diaper - check! Sucked his boogers... stinkin' runny nose - check!
Door bell rang... Bebah came over to pick up some dinner. I said your grandson is over there, I'll grab your food. We commented on how well behaved the dogs were (I was so proud)...
Two seconds later - Ruth Ann is cracking up. She said - TRISTAN IS ASLEEP...
I said NOOOOOOOO way! I've been trying for HOURS. In his room?
She said no....

HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, I put him in his bed!!!
How adorble is my little grandson....I can't wait to come visit in a few weeks and spend time playing with you....Love you, Tristan
ReplyDeletep.s. This is sooooooooooooo funny !